
Area of classified objects

Map features > Objects > Area of classified objects

The absolute area of all image objects classified as a given class. Default unit is pixels.

Editable Parameters



Feature Value Range

Area of classified objects in region

Map features > Objects > Area of classified objects in region

The absolute area of all image objects classified as a given class on a given image object level within a region. This feature allows the user to refer to a region and image object level. If the region is not defined (i.e. set to "none") the entire scene extent will be used. Default unit is pixels.

Editable Parameters



Feature Value Range

Area percentage of

Map features > Objects > Area percentage of

The feature divides the area of one class by the area of another class.

Editable Parameters



Feature Value Range

Existence of object level

Map features > Objects > Existence of object level

The feature returns 1 if a defined object level exists and to 0 if it does not exist.

Editable Parameters

Histogram of object value

Map features > Objects > Histogram of object value

Calculates the histogram for objects of a selectable class and feature. The output can be written in an array.

Editable Parameters

Layer StdDev of classified objects

Map features > Objects > Layer StdDev of classified objects

The standard deviation of all image objects of the selected class on a selected image object level.

Editable Parameters



Feature Value Range

Layer Mean of classified objects

Map features > Objects > Layer Mean of classified objects

The mean of all image objects of the selected class on the selected image object levels.

Editable Parameters



Feature Value Range

Number of classified objects

Map features > Objects > Number of classified objects

The absolute number of all image objects of the selected class on all image object levels.

Editable Parameters



Feature Value Range

Relative area of classified objects in region

Map features > Objects > Rel. area of classified objects in region

The relative area in pixels of all image objects of a given class on a given image object level within a region.

Editable Parameters



Schematic display of the relative area of a class within a two dimensional region. In this 5×5 sized region the feature values are:


Area of classified objects

Relative area of classified objects

11 pixels

11/25 = 0.44

10 pixels

10/25 = 0.4

4 pixels

4/25 = 0.16

Feature Value Range

Statistic of object value

Map features > Objects > Statistic of object value

This feature allows the calculation of statistical operators over an existing object’s feature.

Editable Parameters

All existing image object levels

Map features > Objects > All existing image object levels

Returns the names of all image object levels.

Number of objects

Map features > Objects > Number of objects

Returns the number of image objects of the current map.